Programs & Activities
Men's Halaqa
Weekly men’s Hadith Halaqa builds understanding of Islamic traditions in view of the authentic sayings of the Prophet (SAW).
Professional Youth Development (PYD)
Unity Center Education committee has come up with this program because The Qur’an and the Sunnah encourage individuals to become aware of themselves, knowledgeable of their emotions, and to completely recognize their feelings. It is mentioned in verse 21 of Surah Dhariyat: “and also in yourselves. Will you not then see.” This is a call for an individual to think deeply of him/herself and become self-aware. This program will provide an opportunity for our youth to explore "self-awareness".
Stories of the Prophet
This program discusses about the prophets in Islam discussed in a way that provides interest to the youth. It's catered to ages 8 yrs but everyone is welcomed
Book Club
Unity Center Education is pleased to announce a Book Club for students from 5th grade to 10th grade. By having the Book Club at the masjid with different activities built in, we hope to make reading an enjoyable experience for children, while learning to love the masjid and have fun in an enriching environment with fellow Muslims. The primary objective of the Book Club is to support and encourage kids’ love for reading by giving them an opportunity to learn from the reading, and to connect, on a personal level, with the books they are reading and then share their reactions, thoughts, and opinions with others.
Sister's Halaqa
A program geared to the sister of all ages focusing on a Surah and a Hadith. The discussion is where everyone gets a chance to participate to summarize their understanding
STEM Program
The purpose of STEM Club is to allow the youth members in the Muslim community to explore science activities beyond the classroom. Members will be exposed to science related topics, take trips, do outreach, and plan other activities to promote STEM education. At its core, STEM Club is designed to foster mentoring relationships between youth and science professionals.